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Digital invoicing: security, simplicity, savings…

Do you spend too much time processing your supplier invoices ?

Would you like to put an end to paper invoices ?

Do you spend too much time reconciling purchase orders, receipts, and invoices ?

Would you like to improve the filing and archiving of your invoices ?

Do you ever receive late payment penalties due to poor management of your supplier invoices ?

Would you like to secure your invoicing process while complying with current or future regulations ?

Have you considered digitalising your supplier invoices ?

Digital invoicing, a lever for organisational and financial performance

How can you reduce invoice processing times ? How can you ensure compliance with legal invoicing obligations ? How can you secure the receiving process of your products ? How can you match invoices with purchase orders ? How can you reduce the time needed to pay your supplier invoices ?

Digitalising your invoices.

Digital invoicing will help you to…

Be more productive

Do you spend too much time processing your invoices ?

Are you drowning in repetitive tasks with low added value ?

Yes ?

One of the main advantages of digital invoicing is that it reduces invoice processing times. Your incoming and outgoing invoices are directly integrated into the invoicing flow, and easily traceable.

The Oxalys supplier invoice management solution automates the invoice processing process.

Oxalys invoice management offers a clear overview of supplier invoices and associated documents (purchase orders, good receipts…)

Get organised

Do you still receive paper invoices ?

If yes, do you ever misplace signature books or waste time finding them ?


A digital supplier invoice solution lets you avoid paper invoice management after scanning, or to process electronic invoices directly (in pdf). Stored on our secure servers, your digital supplier invoices can be easily accessed and filed.

Simplify your accounts payable

Are you sure that all invoices received match to the initial budget ?

No, you are not ?

Maybe it’s because your employees do not have access to all the information they need.

How can you be sure that what was invoiced has been delivered and matches the initial order ?

The Oxalys Procure-to-Pay solution automates invoice matching with good receipts and orders. Your accountant will have all the information needed for invoicing and making payments.

Reduce costs

Have you already calculated the processing costs per invoice within your company ? $200 ? $300 ?

No, you haven’t ?

Did you know that digital invoicing enables you to reduce this cost by almost 80% ?

Not only will you reduce processing time, you will also optimise your costs. Payment deadline management becomes easier, invoices can be paid faster… you meet your payment deadlines, avoid late fees, and you can thus negotiate discounts.

The Oxalys supplier portal speeds up the supplier onboarding process thanks to a dedicated communication channel with all the company's stakeholders (procurement, quality, accounting, etc.).

The supplier portal makes it possible to digitalise transaction documents and offers the supplier a global view of the status of its orders and payments, a history of its orders, receipts and invoices.

Improve your supplier relations

Do you have to regularly reassure suppliers about the status their invoices ?


Transparency in invoice processing is very important for your suppliers.

With Oxalys, they can monitor the status of their invoices and directly transfer their documents through the platform.

Get started with Oxalys today

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