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Our Privacy policy and your personal data

  1. Introduction

1.1 Oxalys South Africa (registration number 2020/081806/07) (“Oxalys”, “we”, “us” or “our”) collects and processes the personal information of anyone who communicates with us through, or registers on, our website, or makes use of any of our services (“you” or “your”).

1.2 By reading this policy, you will understand what we do with your personal information, or the personal information of third parties who have consented to you giving their personal information to us (“consenting third parties”).  It is important that you read and understand this policy if you would like to use our services.

1.3 Personal information may include very sensitive information, which you and consenting third parties probably want to keep private.  South Africa’s Constitution provides that everyone has the right to privacy.  This includes a right to protection against the unlawful collection, retention, dissemination and use of personal information.

1.4 We only collect and process personal information for a lawful purpose, such as performing services you requested from us or for performing our legal obligations. If not for one of these purposes, we will request your consent for collecting and processing your personal information.  Because of the sensitivity of some personal information, we ensure that the way we process your personal information complies fully with the Protection of Personal Information Act, 4 of 2013 (“POPIA”).

1.5 This privacy policy applies to any of your and consenting third parties’ personal information that we collect and process through our website www.oxalys.com/za, or which you authorise us to collect from third parties.

1.6 You also promise that, where you upload or provide us with consenting third parties’ personal information e.g. your additional users (employees or representatives), young people or work seekers, you will have obtained them for a lawful purpose or that they have freely given consent to do so.  If we require it, you will provide us with evidence of having obtained the required consent.

1.7 You will see that some of the words listed in this privacy policy are in italics.  Those words are defined in POPIA and those definitions apply to this privacy policy.  For example, under POPIA, you or a consenting third party are defined as a data subject.

1.8 Our privacy policy terms may change from time to time.  When we change them, the changes will be made on our website.  Please ensure that you regularly visit our website and read this privacy policy.  Although we do not promise to do so, we may give you notice of any changes we think are important.

  1. Purposes of processing

We collect your personal data in order to:

2.1 Manage and respond to requests from you made on the website, for example request for a demo, information, newsletter or appointment.

2.2 Adapt the paths and content offered to you;

2.3 Personalise our communication via our client marketing programme, in order to carry out marketing operations, brand promotion and to have a better understanding of your needs and wishes;

2.4 Adapt our products and services to best meet your requirements;

2.5 Personalise the commercial offers and relational messages to your attention;

2.6 Inform you of special offers and any new services created by Oxalys;

2.7 Manage our relationship with our clients before, during and after the purchase of Oxalys solutions:

2.7.1 Knowing and managing the preferences of prospects and clients;

2.7.2 Sending you newsletters, promotions and offers or contacting you by phone;

2.7.3 Qualifying the prospect and client database;

2.7.4 Segmentation operations based on the history of actions carried out on our websites and your browsing habits in order to send targeted communications;

2.7.5 Predicting and anticipating future behaviour;

2.7.6 Compiling statistics and commercial scores, and conducting reporting;

2.7.7 Managing unsubscription requests for newsletters, promotions and satisfaction surveys.

2.7.8 Taking into account the right of modification/rectification/deletion;

2.8 Improving the quality of our services and providing training in particular:

2.8.1 Carrying out studies and analyses of questionnaires and comments from prospects and clients;

2.8.2 Complaints management.

2.9 Securing and improving your use of the Oxalys group’s websites. in particular:

2.9.1 Improving browsing;

2.9.2 Implementing security and fraud prevention.

2.10 Taking into account, processing and monitoring your choices and requests regarding the processing of your personal data, in order to meet our legal and regulatory obligations in this respect.

  1. Your rights under this privacy policy

You and consenting third parties have the right to have your personal information processed lawfully.  Your rights include the right:

3.1 to be notified that your personal information is being collected, or that your personal information has been accessed or acquired by an unauthorised person e.g. where a hacker may have compromised our computer system;

3.2 to find out whether we hold your personal information and to request access to your personal information;

3.3 to request us, where necessary, to correct, destroy or delete your personal information;

3.4 to object, on reasonable grounds, to the processing of your personal information;

3.5 to object to the processing of your personal information for purposes of direct marketing, including by way of unsolicited communications;

3.6 not to be subject, in certain circumstances, to a decision which is based solely on the automated processing of your personal information;

3.7 to submit a complaint to the Regulator if you believe that there has been interference with the protection of your personal information or if you believe that an independent adjudicator who may be resolving your complaint against us, has not decided the matter correctly; and

3.8 to institute civil proceedings against us if you believe that we have interfered with the protection of your personal information.

    1. How we collect your personal information

4.1 When we collect your personal information, we will collect information such as your company registration number or identity number, e-mail address, names, home or work physical addresses and telephone numbers.

4.2 The nature of our service may require us, in certain instances, to collect your information from third parties.  You consent to us contacting these third parties directly (or indirectly through a process that you will facilitate) and permit us to collect your personal information from them.

4.3 We will not intentionally collect and process the personal information of a child unless we have the permission of a competent person.

4.4 Where you provide us with your users’ or consenting third parties’ personal information you confirm that they have consented to the processing of their personal information such as their identity number, e-mail address, names, home or work physical addresses, telephone numbers and academic records.

  1. How we use your personal information

5.1 In order to provide our service, we will need to pass your personal information on to third parties, such as our service providers.  Although when your consent is required, we will request your consent before doing so, this privacy policy records your consent to us passing your information onto those third parties.

5.2 We will ensure that your personal information is processed in a lawful manner and that we do not infringe on your privacy rights.

  1. Where we store your personal information

6.1 Protecting your personal Information is very important to us.  We store your personal information on our, or our service providers’, servers located in countries that have privacy levels that comply with or are better than POPIA.

6.2 If we ever outsource the processing of your personal information to a third-party operator, we will ensure that the operator processes and protects your personal information using reasonable technical and organisational measures that are equal to or better than ours.

6.3 In the event that we transfer or store your personal information outside South Africa, we will take all steps reasonably necessary to ensure that the third party who receives your personal information is subject to a law, binding corporate rules or binding agreement which provides an adequate level of protection.

  1. How we use cookies or other personal identification software

7.1 Cookies are small software programmes that install themselves on your computer or your mobile device.  They are intended to make your experience of visiting and navigating through our website easier and more pleasant.  Cookies and web tokens may collect personal information such as the identity of your computer or mobile device and your location.

7.2 If you do not want cookies or web tokens to be installed on your computer or mobile device, please do not use our website.  This means that you will not be able to use our services.  By using our website, you consent to cookies and web tokens being installed on your computer or mobile device.

  1. Information Security

We promise that we will secure the integrity and confidentiality of your personal information in our possession or under our control.  We will do this by taking appropriate, reasonable technical and organisational measures to prevent loss of, damage to, or unauthorised destruction of your personal information; and unlawful access to or processing of your personal information.

  1. The law governing this privacy policy

This privacy policy is governed by the laws of the Republic of South Africa.

  1. How to contact us

10.1 If you have questions and/or comments about our privacy policy or need to protect any of your rights set out in this policy, please contact our information officer on email address contact-sa@oxalys.com or telephone number +27 (0)14 940 0081.
10.2 Our physical address is Block A, Inanda Business Park, 98 Albertyn Avenue, Sandton, Gauteng.

The information collected on the oxalys.com/za website is intended for Oxalys. They are subject to computer processing for the purpose of processing your request and for our sales management, in particular: responding to requests for information made on the website, sending commercial information when you have given your consent or when the applicable legislation authorises it, drawing up general statistics on the browsing of the website in order to improve the services we offer on this website.

This privacy policy is in line with the Act n°78-17 of 6 January 1978 relating to data processing, data files and individual liberties (“the French Data Protection Act”), and Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (the ” GDPR”). Oxalys wants to offer you a personalised customer experience as part of your digital procurement project, by securely collecting your personal data.

Your rights

Anyone who communicates with us through, or registers on, our website, or makes use of any of our services (“you” or “your” or “the data subject“) has, under the conditions defined by the French Data Protection Act and the GDPR, subject to exceptions, the right to:

  1. withdraw at any time their consent to those parts of the processing implemented by Oxalys based on such consent;
  2. obtain confirmation from Oxalys as to whether or not personal data concerning them are being processed and, when they are processed, access to such personal data as well as to various information on the processing (purposes of the processing, categories of personal data concerned, recipients or categories of recipients to whom the personal data have been or will be disclosed, the envisaged retention period of the personal data or, when this is not possible, the criteria used to determine that period, …) ;
  3. obtain from Oxalys, as soon as possible, the correction of inaccurate personal data concerning them;
  4. obtain from Oxalys the erasure, as soon as possible, of personal data concerning them;
  5. obtain from Oxalys the limitation of the processing;
  6. receive the personal data concerning them that they have provided to Oxalys, in a structured, commonly used and readable format, and the right to transfer these data to another controller without Oxalys obstructing them;
  7. obtain at any time from Oxalys, for reasons relating to their particular situation, that it no longer processes their personal data;
  8. object at any time to the processing of personal data concerning them for prospecting purposes;
  9. not be the subject of a decision based solely on automated processing, including profiling, producing legal effects concerning them or significantly affecting them in a similar way.

The data subject also has the right to lodge a complaint with the French data protection authority, the CNIL (www.cnil.fr).

The data subject may define, modify or revoke, at any time, instructions relating to the storage, deletion and communication of its personal data after her or his death.

The data subject thus has the right to appoint a third party to whom her or his data may be communicated after its death. The data subject then undertakes to inform this third party of her or his appointment.

In addition, you may, at any time, request to no longer receive communications relating to our offers, news and newsletters by using the unsubscription link provided in each email we send you.

You can also contact us through our contact form or by email at the following address: webmaster@oxalys.com

Data Protection Officer

Subject to proving his or her identity and the aforementioned elements, the data subject may exercise the rights described above by writing to Oxalys through our contact form or at the following email address: webmaster@oxalys.com.

Or to the following postal address :

Marketing and Communication
6 Avenue de Verdun 1916
92250 La Garenne-Colombes

Purposes of processing

The purposes of Oxalys are likely to constitute profiling measures, in that the data collected may be used for commercial purposes.

In particular, we collect your personal data in order to:

  1. Manage and respond to requests from Internet users made on the website
    • Request for a demo, information, newsletter or appointment.
  2. Adapt the paths and content offered to Internet users;
  3. Personalise our communication via our client marketing programme, in order to carry out marketing operations, brand promotion and to have a better understanding of your needs and wishes;
  4. Adapt our products and services to best meet your requirements;
  5. Personalise the commercial offers and relational messages to your attention;
  6. Inform you of special offers and any new services created by Oxalys;
  7. Manage our relationship with our clients before, during and after the purchase of Oxalys solutions:
    • Knowing and managing the preferences of the data subject and clients;
    • Sending you newsletters, promotions and offers or contacting you by phone;
    • Qualifying the prospect and client database;
    • Segmentation operations based on the history of actions carried out on our websites and your browsing habits in order to send targeted communications;
    • Predicting and anticipating future behaviour;
    • Compiling statistics and commercial scores, and conducting reporting;
    • Managing unsubscription requests for newsletters, promotions and satisfaction surveys.
    • Taking into account the right of modification/rectification/deletion;
  8. Improving the quality of our services and providing training in particular:
    • Carrying out studies and analyses of questionnaires and comments from prospects and clients;
    • Complaints management.
  9. Securing and improving your use of the Oxalys group’s websites. in particular:
    • Improving browsing;
    • Implementing security and fraud prevention.
  10. Taking into account, processing and monitoring your choices and requests regarding the processing of your personal data, in order to meet our legal and regulatory obligations in this respect.

Retention period – Miscellaneous provisions

Oxalys or by qualified subcontractor hosts the personal data of the Data Subject on servers located outside and within the European Economic Area.

These hosting solutions offer security to guarantee the privacy, availability and integrity of the data. Oxalys’ subcontractors also undertake, under the same conditions, to make or have made a backup of the data of the Concerned Persons under conditions that guarantee their security and integrity, and to protect them from possible disasters that may occur on the servers.

The Concerned Persons are informed that Oxalys does not use automated processing of their personal data, nor does it transfer their personal data outside the territory of the European Economic Area, except as specified above for hosting purposes.

Generally speaking, the personal data of the Concerned Persons are kept for the time strictly necessary for the management of their relations with Oxalys, subject to the needs of Oxalys in order to meet its legal obligations. The retention periods of Personal Data depend on the purposes for which the data is collected and processed.


Manage my cookies by clicking here

Cookies may be installed on your computer for the following purposes:

1. Cookies for technical purposes:

Cookies necessary for the proper use of the website: Oxalys uses memory cookies, which are files transferred to your computer, but do not allow you to be identified. Cookies record information relating to your computer’s browsing on the website (the pages you have visited, the date and time of the visits, etc.) and make it possible to extract them during your next visits to the Website in order to personalise your connection. You can oppose the installation of cookies by configuring your computer depending on the browser you are using. However, deleting cookies could prevent access to all or part of the website, particularly your personal account if you are logged on to it. The help section of your browser can tell you how to refuse them. To find out more about cookies, go to this page.

2. Cookies for tracking purposes:

Audience measurement: statistical data on visits to and use of the website (sections and content targeted, paths) in order to help us measure and study the effectiveness of our online interactive content, its characteristics, advertising and other communications, and thus to improve the interest and usability of the services accessed on the Website.